Here at Greasy Machines we specialize in ammunition production and assembly equipment. We have machines for experience levels whether you are a hobbyist who is looking to expand their production or a full fledged production company looking to create your own brass, projectiles, and load the components. 

Ammunition Loading (Assembly)

For those that are just starting out in the ammunition production industry we recommend starting off with loader machines. These machines are as plug and play and as affordable as you are going to find in the ammo industry. you would need to source all the components, which we will help with, and then begin loading your specified cases. 

Camdex 9mm Loader
Camdex 9mm Loader 
Alpha Loader 
Alpha Loader Dual Collator 
Projectile Production (Manufacturing Bullets)

There are varying methods of projectile production from as simple as cast led projectiles to armor piercing incendiary rounds. We specialize in the production of jacketed led core projectiles and solid or monolithic solid projectiles. The jacketed led core projectiles are the most common and can be loaded in house or sold to the ammunition assembly specialists. 

John Doe
Asahi Seiki TP-15 
National Header For Cores Or All Led Projectiles 
Waterbury Farrel 720
Brass Production (Manufacturing Cases)

Brass production is the manufacturing of ammunition casings with hold the primer, propellant, and the projectile. Like the projectile product the casings can be made out of numerous materials such as brass, stainless steel, and polymer. We specialize in brass case production which is the most common of ammunition casings. These cases can also be loaded in house, sold back to the ammunition assembly specialist, or to the general public.

John Doe
John Doe
John Doe

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John Doe

Company Name

How can we help?

Let us know how we can help you find or sell your next machine.